About the UKMHF
The UK Maritime Heritage Forum seeks to bring together, in an annual gathering, individuals, institutions and groups with a wide-ranging interest in maritime heritage. These include:
- Maritime museums and museums with maritime holdings
- Historic vessels
- Archives with maritime holdings
- Maritime archaeologists
- Maritime historians
- The UKMHF aims to provide a forum for groups such as the Maritime Curators Group, UKMCS and Advisory Committee for National Historic Ships to meet separately, but also to come together to share experiences and knowledge.
It also aims to provide a range of stimulating plenary speakers and discussions and to discuss issues of contemporary note to the maritime heritage sector.
A key objective of the Forum is to facilitate networking and dialogue between institutions, groups and individuals within the various parts of the maritime heritage sector.
The idea of an annual Forum emerged from a meeting of UKMCS in 2007 and the first Forum took place in 2008, initially conceived to take place on alternate years. However, the Liverpool Forum, with a keynote by Sir Neil Cossons and over 60 attendees, was deemed so successful that it was decided to hold the Forum annually. In 2009 the second Forum in Portsmouth, with a keynote lecture by Sir Robert Crawford saw 90 delegates attending best essay writing company uk, and the Forum has since gone from strength to strength. More details of all the previous Fora can be found below.
Steering Group
A small Steering Group programmes the annual UK Maritime Heritage Forum. This consists of:
- Kevin Fewster, Director, National Maritime Museum & Chair of UK Maritime Collections Strategy
- Martyn Heighton, Director and Secretary to the Advisory Committee National Historic Ships
- Richard Holdsworth, Museum and Heritage Director, The Historic Dockyard, Chatham
- Matthew Tanner, Director and Chief Executive, ss Great Britain Trust
- Ian Whitehead, Keeper of Maritime History, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums and Chair of the Maritime Curators Group
The Steering Group is co-ordinated by Sally Archer, National Maritime Museum.
UK Maritime Heritage Forum 2015
The next Forum will take place on 5-6 October 2015 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. For the full programme and booking details contact Sally Archer, the UKMHF Coordinator (contact details below).